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North Andover , MA 01845

How does the new alimony law in MA affect my situation?

How does the new alimony law in MA affect my situation?

Additional Info: I am getting a divorce. My wife is a neurological surgeon and has her own private practice in Methuen, MA so she makes significantly more money than I do. I know I will be entitled to alimony but could you please tell me how the new alimony law in MA and what I may receive?

Attorney Answer:

The MA Alimony Reform Act of 2011 provided some clarity to an area that has been historically uncertain for litigants and practitioners alike. Previously, in a longer term marriage there were no term limits on the amount of time a person could expect to pay or receive alimony. Today, in the wake of approval by the legislature of the Alimony Reform Act in Massachusetts, the length of time an alimony award is to go for is very certain as it is based on a formula defined by the total number of months of the marriage. In addition, the act also specifies that the amount of an alimony order should generally not exceed the recipient’s need or 30%-35% of the difference between the parties’ gross incomes established at the time of the order being issued.


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